Energy savings equal cost savings
From the day a solar system goes live, companies begin their journey towards a cost and energy saving future. Protect your business from utility rate increases by generating clean energy with a solar photovoltaic system paired with battery storage (PV + storage).
Rapid return on investment
Businesses can recover the cost of buying and installing a solar system quickly - typically in five to eight years.
Solar Energy Arbitrage
Avoid the high cost of buying energy during peak Time-of-Use (TOU) rate periods by storing PV generated energy for later use.
Reduce Demand Charges
Utilities levy Demand Charges on commercial customers for their highest peak kilowatt usage in any 15 minute period during a 30-day billing cycle. Businesses that regularly use large amounts of power in short periodic intervals can reduce Demand Charges significantly with a PV + storage system. This solution shaves down short-term energy peaks by self-consuming energy stored in PV charged batteries instead of importing power from the grid at premium rates.
Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
Solar systems installed in 2020 receive a federal tax credit equal to 26% of the total system cost. The solar ITC will be reduced to 22% in 2021. The ITC will remain fixed at 10% for business owners and expire for homeowners in 2022. According to Energy Sage, the average solar shopper saves nearly $9,000 on the cost of going solar as a result of the ITC.
Accelerated depreciation
U.S. Federal tax code allows for a tax deduction for the recovery of the cost of tangible property over the useful life of the property. This Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is the current depreciation method for most property. MACRS is also used by the State of California for solar. Federal tax code also allows for a special one year 100% depreciation schedule for solar as an alternative to MACRS.
Reliable Low Maintenance Energy
You can count on your solar system to keep your business going strong for many years to come. Many systems outlive their warranties and are still going strong.
Power Purchase Agreement - PPA
Businesses can enjoy the benefits of going solar without making a large initial investment. Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) allow businesses or to receive solar power at an agreed-upon rate for a period of time with no operations and maintenance costs.
Energy savings from solar can be significant.
The primary incentive for businesses considering solar is financial savings which equate to energy savings. Reducing utility bills by implementing a solar solution is smart business, and, it comes with additional benefits.
Contact us for a free energy evaluation and find out how solar can benefit your company by saving overhead costs that impact your bottom line.