Schools & Universities
Carondelet Catholic High School
School | PV | Concord, CA
This impressive installation was spread across three buildings, four shade structures (in two parking lots), and, a 232-foot-long trellis. The solar system required 14 inverters, a transformer, interconnection to three utility meters and considerable seismic retrofitting. 1,816 REC modules were installed on top of the buildings and canopies. An additional 134 translucent Lumos modules were mounted on the trellis.
Lynhaven Elementary School
School | PV | San Jose, CA Lynhaven Elementary is the third large-scale solar installation for Campbell Union School District. Once again, Sun Light & Power demonstrates its unequaled expertise at solving diverse challenges and time constraints of public school projects.
- Shade Structure System size = 96,600 W
- kWh production = 38,207
Shade Structure greenhouse gas equivalent = 26.9 Metric Tons, equivalent to:
Castlemont Elementary School
School | PV | San Jose, CA
Greenhouse Gas Displacement = 40.1 Metric Tons, equivalent to:
92.8 barrels of oil consumed.
96,061 miles driven by an average car.
0.319 acres of U.S. Forests preserved from conversion to cropland in one year.
Making Waves Academy
School | PV | Richmond, CA
Through Proposition 39, this charter school in Richmond, California, was able to realize its core values of responsibility and community by installing solar.
This PV system in is self-ballasted to reduce installation costs and increase annual kW production. Students will be able to access the web-based monitoring system as part of the science curriculum to examine the principles of electricity and how weather, as well as local climate, can affect system performance.